Here’s a confession: I’ve never, ever made an Instagram story

I have an Instagram account, but it hasn’t seen a post in the last six years. And it’s true that I’ve never made a story, not only on Instagram but on any platform — ever. That means no TikTok or Snapchat; I don’t even have those accounts. 

As a professional tech blabber, I’m expected to be aware of everything that the internet touches. And I do keep up with whatever these social media sites are up to. So intrinsically, I know how to make a story; I just don’t make any. 

I see social media as a place for fleeting thoughts. Thoughts that probably won’t even matter after a few minutes. If I were to share most of what crosses my mind on Twitter, it’d either be annoying or embarrassing — most likely both. 

That’s quite the antithesis of how I’d rather ponder my notions, sometimes to a fault, before putting them together piece by piece. It usually happens during the blissful silence of the night, with only the keyboard clattering. This sort of unrushed approach calls for a long format that conventional social media isn’t meant for.  

Ten points if you guessed that I’m going old school with a blog! 

My day job involves writing on personal technology, which I’ve been doing for over seven years. But the last couple of years allowed me to become a screenwriting student, for real this time. This intimate space is going to be where I talk more about films, from the older gems I discovered only recently to the ones I simply can’t stop gushing about. I’ll maybe even drop my own short stories once in a while, if I ever got happy with them. 

And what’s a blog without rants? I’ll make sure mine lives up to that reputation and also shows my ability to turn any conversation into about food. Now that’s what you do when in Lucknow. And of course, there is going to be tech; because I can’t leave it behind, can I? 

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Karandeep Singh

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Karandeep Singh

Obsessed with films and tech, in that order. A writer, though a really slow one.